When starting any major project the possibilities and concerns can be daunting.  We have drawn upon our decades of experience as a leading Baltimore contractor to provide you with a much-needed source for information and helpful hints on how to make your project as enjoyable and successful as possible.  Here you can find links to important information, tips we have picked up along the way, and archives with the past issues of our newsletter.

Links and Important Information

Energy Tax Credits

State and Federal tax credits can save you hundreds (even thousands) as you plan your next remodeling project.  Geothermal heat pumps, solar photovoltaic power, and solar hot water are all eligible for a federal tax credit of 30% cost, as well as additional state credits. Check this link for a full list of incentives.

Maryland Incentives: https://www.energy.state.md.us/Residential/index.html

Federal Incentives: https://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=tax_credits.tx_index

Building Codes and Zoning

Starting a new project can be very exciting, especially when you first start to plan and are dreaming big.  But, before you get too far along you may want to check the building codes and zoning for your local county, city, or neighborhood associations.  It is best to take these issues into account from the start and not face any unpleasant surprises down the road.

Baltimore county zoning: (410) 887 3391 https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/  (codes and zoning on the left sidebar)

Baltimore city zoning: (410) 396 4126 https://www.baltimorehousing.org/permit_procedure

Universal Design and Accessible Living

As the American population ages many homeowners are trying to stay in their homes longer. A few simple accessible home design changes can make almost any residence better able to support changing lifestyles, as ease of use and safety become important issues. Lever-type door hardware, wider (36 inch) door openings and walkways, replacement casement windows, comfort height toilets and grab bars in bathrooms are all popular renovations to facilitate easier living.  For more information on products and design check out the links below.

Accessible living products: https://www.barrierfree.org/

Universal Design information: https://www.ncsu.edu/www/ncsu/design/sod5/cud/

Products and Appliances

The amount of different products and accesories available when remodeling a kitchen or bath is staggering.  Our design team excells at giving you options that are suitable to your tastes and the current style of your house.  Have a look at the website of some of our favorate brands.

Kohler Kitchen and Bath: https://www.us.kohler.com/index.jsp

Pella Windows and Doors: https://www.pella.com/home/default.aspx

Progress Lighting: https://progresslighting.com/Default.aspx

Rejuvenation Lighting and Hardware: https://www.rejuvenation.com/

KitchenAid Appliances: https://www.kitchenaid.com/

GE Appliances: https://www.geappliances.com/

Lead Paint and the RRP Rule

The United States EPA recently enacted a rule regulating lead-based paint hazards created by renovations, repairs and painting.  This law was passed because even very small amounts of lead-contaminated dust and debris can be very harmful to both children and adults. The guidelines define proper containment, work and clean-up practices to insure that lead-based paint debris and lead-contaminated dust generated by the work is collected and removed from the work area. ADR Builders has been certified to conduct renovation work in lead-paint environments, all of our workers have either taken the EPA certified classes or been trained on proper practices.

EPA Lead Info: https://www.epa.gov/lead/

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